Mind Vacation № 16.5: I'm in a Reflecting Mood - Part 2
12/26/2023 STUDIO SHOT
A Small List and a Playlist
Dearest Community,
Amidst the flurry of holiday activities, I find myself sneaking in time to sort through my thoughts to try and wrap up 2023. I've felt so determined to send this final Mind Vacation of the year before we welcome 2024. It feels essential to wrap up 2023 neatly in its own little package before it officially transitions into the new year. I'm eagerly anticipating the first quarter of the year to immerse myself in painting for my upcoming solo show in April and all the exciting new developments in the world of Jenny Pennywood. Above all, I'm dead set about shifting my focus away from dwelling on the events of 2023. You know what I mean, right? No dwelling for me! While I'll still occasionally reference it, my intention is to firmly anchor 2023 in the past.
As I reflect, I'm sifting through all the notes I've scribbled to myself – whether on post-its, pages taped to my studio walls, or entries in my trusty Trello board (which I rely on heavily). Typically, I don't expand much on the notes I jot down; I capture the essence of the wisdom or information I need to remember and allow the moment to do the rest. I kinda like the brevity and directness of a quick thought, phrase, and few words. I'd also like to mention that the way I read is much like the way I approach my notes. I'm mostly not a cover-to-cover book reader – well, I do enjoy sappy, romantic, and perhaps a little trashy books. However, for most content, I tend to skim or read only bits and pieces. For instance, there's this book I like called "How to Be an Adult." I've never read it cover to cover, but I often open it, land on a random page, absorb some wisdom or receive a reminder, and then place it back near my desk. There are so many good, clear tidbits in this book, and I often need guidance on how to navigate adulthood, so it gives me little nuggets all of the time. And that's just how I like it – my personal flavor of content ingesting.
Here's a brief glimpse into a selection of short thoughts from 2023. These snippets felt especially fitting to wrap up the year and carry into the new one.
Sort, sift, rest
Strive for a deeper structure
Patience is the tool to take us through (eclipse season)
Painting without guilt
Resting without guilt
You are ok with the grid
You are ok with an overwhelming amount of pink, green and purple
Pentimento is a a change made by the artist during painting
Formlessness into form
Vibe engineering
The darkness in the psyche
Heart centered risk taking
Power shapes
Use a delicate touch
Don't get lost in the deconstruction
Radical alignment
Begin with a movement
Keep shapes big
That said, I'm looking forward to more interactions with all of you in 2024! As for 2023, it wasn't all that smooth, but it did provide many valuable lessons which have lead to essential pivots. My butt got kicked many times but my family, business and art making are all doing well and dare I say, thriving, and I'm happy to end the year on that note :)
As we look ahead to 2024, we're excited to embark on new adventures and projects, and we're thrilled to have you by our side.
Wishing you a bright and prosperous New Year! Thank you for being a part of our journey.
Warmly and with sincerity, JEN
& here are links to things I mentioned above: